Bloom where you are planted
Bloom where you are planted
Bloom where you are planted
Everyone is unique. We may wish our children would follow in our footsteps, but we are all destined to be unique, and we all have our path to tread. Some of us are creative; another mathematical and another has a scientific brain. Some of us love to play the fool or be on the stage, and others are planners and organisers. At school, I was always great at maths, but any language (even English) I struggled at! You can’t fight what talents we are good at or what we enjoy, but it’s fun to spend your time doing something that combines both. This is what I try to teach my children. It would be great if they had careers which meant they didn’t struggle with money and lived a life they aspire to, but I would rather they had careers they loved, that brought a smile to their faces when they woke each day and joy that they were doing it again for another day. If you have a career you love, then the life you aspire to is easier to achieve. Getting up in the morning to complete the task you love is joyful and that makes each day more comfortable. Bloom where you are planted and enjoy life every day.