Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
Finding a work-life balance can be challenging for a lot of people. You are paid to complete tasks, and it can be hard at the end of the working day and week to leave the work at home. Technology means our working desk is always with us in the palm of our hands. The urgent letter that would have once been mailed or faxed to us now arrives moments after being sent and your phone, watch or other electronic device alerts us immediately that we have work still to complete. If you added up the hours of work you completed once you've left the office how many would that be? I now work for myself, and although my work still goes with me, it is my choice when I look at the mails, responds to the messages and contact others. I have set defined boundaries for time with my family, friends and for when I'm at work and that works for me. How do you define your work-life balance? Does work determine who you are? Do you have a life outside of work? Are you happy with the balance?