Make each day count
Make each day count
Make each day count with things that make you happy.
It can be difficult to smile or be happy when you are feeling unwell. A lot of people who suffer from autoimmune diseases suffer in silence. We look normal and people may wonder why we always look so tired, or exhausted or generally unhappy. The fatigue you can suffer cannot be described to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The flares and the things we have learnt to live with become second nature to us. I have spent decades being told to smile. Decades trying to just exist rather than live.
I decided when I was diagnosed to make each day count. To do one thing each day which was for me and made me happy. It could have been something small like go to bed early, have a massage, lunch with a friend or movie night with the girls. Eat the chocolate bar, have a glass of wine in the evening or put a face-mask on.
As time went on what made me happy changed. I had a shift in mindset and I felt more able to achieve larger tasks. I decided to start sewing again and made memory blankets for my children. I decided to work towards changing my career. Small steps towards becoming a Health Coach each day has meant my goal was achieved and it didn’t feel like an insurmountable task.
Making each day count with things that made me happy changed my life. It slowly made me realise my dreams and what I want is important and the self-care and time to myself reduced my stress and gave me some time to heal and mend in a way that I had never considered.