Relax. Don’t stress out. Breathe.
Has your doctor ever told you that stress can have a negative impact on your Autoimmune diseases? They say you can’t stress and digest and whether we like it or not, our bodies are designed to automatically go into a stress response. We don’t control this response. It occurs before we realise it and this goes back to fight or flight when we may have had to run away from lions, tigers or bears!
It can be irritating when people tell you not to stress! I don’t know about you, but it makes me more stressed! It makes me feel like they are not hearing what I am saying and so being able to relax when I am not being heard frustrates and stresses me even more!
I now run classes to help people learn to manage stress. Stress is part of our daily lives. It is something we live with every day, but it is also something we can learn to live with and help ourselves manage every day. By using some techniques you can help your body relax and this can be a wonderful practice to introduce into your daily life.
Learn about stress
It’s life-changing!