positive thought in the morning
positive thought in the morning
One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
Do you keep a journal? I keep one each day and in the morning I write down how I feel, my goals for the day, what I will do for fun and what I am grateful for. In the evening I revisit the journal and write down my feelings and emotions for the day and what served me well.
I would like to say I fill this in religiously, but of course, I don’t. On the days I don’t have time for my morning ritual then I try to think about these things, and if I skip this step completely then I feel I have cheated myself! My mindset isn’t as focused that day. I’m not sure what my goals are, I don’t feel as upbeat and positive and things just appear harder. It can be difficult to make a change in your life such as writing in a journal. This moment of time may take only a few minutes but it does have a profound change on my day.
Living with Autoimmune diseases, the daily journal serves as a reminder of things to be grateful for when I’m not feeling that great. It gives me goals to focus on that are achievable with the flare that I might be experiencing at the time. This positive step or positive thoughts do change my whole day. I wish it was something I had been encouraged to do when I had been first diagnosed.
Today, I encourage my clients to fill in a daily journal and this can be a difficult task. It seems at first glance that it would be simple but we have to teach our brain and our thoughts to think a different way and this takes time. even remembering to complete the task can be difficult, to begin with. It is so worth it though! I have tried many journals and I am now in the process of creating my own. There are parts of some I love, and parts of them I don’t love! I hope to have this published this year and then this will be the journal I gift to my clients when they join a program with me.