See the world through the eyes of a child
See the world through the eyes of a child
See the world through the eyes of a child
We went out to buy clothes yesterday for our ever growing children and sat at the front of a double decker bus. The youngest sat down initially to Daddy and then announced loudly he wanted to sit next to his big brother. Once we were all settled and the bus began it's journey the real fun began. Everything was pointed out. 'Look at the trees.' 'Yeah, a tunnel!' 'Did you know? Red means Stop.' 'Wow, motorbikes.' 'Look! that building is painted purple.' 'What are we having for lunch? Can I have chips like that man?' 'Look at the shops!' 'We're at the bus stop. Can I go first?' When we finally got off the bus we were all exhausted from the constant conversation the youngest had directed our ways but we were also smiling. It's fun going out with younger children. They see everything and every day items are amazing and exciting to them. The everyday journey had become interesting and he had kept a lot of the bus entertained! As I had been sitting there I had started looking around the bus. I was hoping no angry faces were directed out way but instead when he said 'Look!' it seemed everyone who could hear him had, and everyone was smiling.