I don’t have time for myself
I don’t have time for myself or Self-care is important
I don’t have time for myself or Self-care is important
As a busy working mum, I can relate to feeling like I don’t have time for myself. The truth is I didn’t make time for myself. I had plenty of time, but exhaustion meant I didn’t feel like I did. Once the children were in bed, I would sit down and lounge in front of a TV, watching a program I wasn’t interested in. Now I set some time aside to put the face mask on, paint my nails, read the book, facetime a friend or write a few pages in my journal. Self-care doesn’t need to take hours, it can take minutes, and it changes your life. When you start to put yourself first, you change as a person, and you will find your happier and energised more about life and how you spend it. Meditation is excellent and even five minutes a day gives your system a reboot so that you find some peace and tranquillity in an otherwise busy day. Book some time in your calendar for you every day. Five minutes a day makes all the difference.