The simplest things can be beautiful
The simplest things can be beautiful
The simplest things can be beautiful
It’s so easy to over-complicate and overthink things. I forget that the simplest way is often the easiest and the most beautiful. Our lives and homes can become overly cluttered with things we may need in the future. Our minds overly cluttered with thoughts of what if and perhaps I should have. Everyone reacts to environments differently, and where one person can live with clutter and look beyond it, maybe not even seeing it, another can feel stressed by its very presence. I like to have things in my life that are necessary, but when you have a large family, this isn’t always possible. I regularly detox my life and remove items that I no longer need. I love a simple vase of one type of flower on a table rather than a bouquet of many. I like to keep simple lines, simple patterns and minimal colours in a room as I find this calming. My children love bold, bright colours and toys can make a room feel cluttered when left out and not put back into place. We have to learn to live within the confines of our environment and who we live with, but the simplest things can be beautiful.