Clutter and your better self
Clutter and your better self
‘Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.’ Eleanor Brown
How do you feel when your home is full of clutter?
Toys all over the floor after a long day.
Dishes piled up in the sink.
Washing and Ironing that are just piled high.
Clutter in the home can affect us and how we feel. It can be overwhelming.
Clutter is more than just physical items though. It can be our old ideas, bad habits and even toxic relationships.
We have a choice to leave past habits, old behaviors and unproductive practices behind. When we do this change and progress become visible.
Clear out the junk you’re holding on to, and make space for the new, amazing and successful you!
Spring clean your mind!