Starting Anew
Starting Anew
‘I always like the idea of Noah’s Ark and the idea of starting anew by rescuing the things you like and leaving the rest behind.’ Zack Braff
People often like the idea of starting anew but what stops them from doing it?
Our own fear can be our own worst enemy. Fear is in place to keep us safe, but sometimes it also stops us from moving forward with our own dreams.
If you were rescuing the things you like what would they be?
What would you leave behind?
When it comes to problem-solving and moving forward you can use what works and leave what doesn’t. Implement a practical attitude and it helps to simplify the issue and provide us with solutions that really work.
Do you want to start anew?
What are you carrying with you that could be left behind?
Is it fear?
Use what works. Leave what doesn’t.