the secret ingredient is always love
the secret ingredient is always love
the secret ingredient is always love.
Whether it is your work, your friendships, your hobbies, or your exercise regime, the secret ingredient to them is love.
If you love what you do then you will want to do it! It’s worth getting up for the run, or for the early shift at work. It’s worth getting out of bed for that breakfast date with your friends or staying up late to complete the work on your latest artistic masterpiece. With love, things become easier. You look forward to spending time with them, completing them and learning from them.
I love my work, but it took 25 years since I left University to find something that I love to do. I love my friends, and living in Hong Kong is hard. I miss them as much as our family and of course, covid has made that harder as our trips back home weren’t possible. With love though the time of part has been slightly easier, and I’m looking forward to the time that I can celebrate being with them.