Artichoke Globe / Artichoke Jerusalem
Artichoke Globe / Artichoke Jerusalem
Follow these instructions if you want to know how to freeze Artichokes.
Artichoke Globe
Discard the coarse outer and lower leaves, trim off the spiky tops and remove the stem.
Wash under cold water.
Blanch with lemon juice for 7 - 10 minutes.
Drain and cool in iced water.
Drain upside down and squeeze dry.
To freeze artichoke hearts, boil whole artichokes until tender. Drain, discard leaves. Scoop out and leave to cool.
Pack whole artichokes in freezer bags. Pack the hearts in rigid containers. Interleave layers with foil. Ensure your container is labelled and dated.
Thaw in the wrappers for 4 hours at room temperature. Use as for fresh.
Storage Time
6 months
Artichoke Jerusalem
Peel, slice or cut into cubes.
Steep in water and lemon juice, then drain and blanch for 1 to 2 minutes.
Drain, cool in iced water and pat dry.
Alternatively scrub and boil for 15 minutes then rub off the skins and sieve or puree.
Pack slices or cubes in labelled and dated freezer bags.
Cook blanched slices / cubes from frozen in boiling salted water for approximately 3 minutes.
Alternatively thaw at room temperatures and then add to salads, stews or cook ‘au gratin.’
Thaw the pureed artichoke in the containers at room temperature or use from frozen to make soups.
Storage Time
3 months