Timely Wakeup

Timely Wakeup

Timely Wakeup

Are you having a hard time getting up in the morning?

Sleep or feeling tired is quite often a subject that a new client will want to discuss with me.

Here are some tips to help you get the family on the go:

Make Small Changes

Morning demands can be difficult. One thing I often suggest is to make small changes. By slowly setting the wake-up time a bit earlier each morning and bedtime a bit earlier, it can seem less daunting to change your routine. Try these small, 10-minute increments until you reach the optimal bedtime and wake-up times.

Prepare the Night Before

Prepare as much as you can the night before. Have lunches planned and clothes picked out. It is a different routine than you are used to and may feel uncomfortable at first, but once you are in, you will wonder what took you so long to change!

Limit Gadgets

It can feel horrible to turn your gadgets off or leave them outside of the bedroom, but make the change! If you use your phone or device as an alarm clock, then pop to a shop and purchase yourself a new one. That last-minute work email that you read may make your stress levels rise and the blue screen can affect sleep. Relax and take the evening off from stress! Have a pre-bed cutoff for electronics.

Stay Consistent

We all want to sleep in a little on the weekends, but allowing the extra sleep time can derail you for the week. Best to stay on a schedule when you can.

What is the hardest part of getting up in the morning?

I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!

Emma Alexander-Cook.

Emma Alexander-Cook

My name's Emma. I've been living gluten-free for over 25 years, and I've been dairy-free for over five years.

Health and Auto-immune Diseases

I have auto-immune diseases and expected to be on medicine for the rest of my life, but I didn't want to live like that. My rheumatology Doctor was so supportive of the change I wanted to make, and with their help, I now manage my auto-immune diseases by being strict with my diet.

It can be quite frightening when you first find out you have to change the way you eat but for some of us' Food is our medicine.'

I have several websites, write blogs, and I'm currently in the process of writing a book.

I trained to be Holistic Health Coach, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and Certified Gluten Free Practitioner in order to heal myself, my family and others who find themselves on the same journey as myself.

Websites include:






Our love for photography started on our travels. We wanted to capture images of the areas we travelled to both for our own records and for our family back at home. Some of these images were reproduced as watercolours. Our favourite images we display at home and friends often asked where we had purchased the pictures! Now you can purchase them online directly from us.

Coaching and Consultancy

Previously an IT Manager my skill set has come in very handy as I am both a Health Coach and also offer consultancy for small business starts up and fellow Health Coaches. This has included building websites and online profiles.

Our Family

Family is everything to me! We have a family of four boys where the age difference between the youngest and the eldest is 18 years. Two of our sons are also Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Emma is a Health Coach who specialises in helping individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals. Ian runs his own business which began developing a Race Timer for diecast model cars.


Drink Water!


Bedtime Routine