Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Chocolate Rainbow Coconut Bars

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Chocolate Rainbow Coconut Bars

These are my family’s version of the chocolate Bounty Bars. A favourite pre-food intolerance and so of course as a Mum I had to recreate them. I use a Coconut Ice recipe which of course is traditionally pink and white, but with young children in the home, I let them experiment with colours. You could make these and keep them white, or choose the colours you want and make patterns or rainbows. The options are limitless really! These ‘Bounty Bars’ are called Chocolate Rainbow Coconut Bars in our home and are of course gluten-free and dairy-free.


250g dairy free condensed milk (we have two recipes online, one using coconut milk and one using powdered milk

250g sifted icing sugar (plus extra for dusting worktops during recipe)

200g desiccated coconut

1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Food colouring - colours optional!

Chocolate of your choice for coating (we make our own: recipe here)


Using a wooden spoon, mix the dairy-free condensed milk and icing sugar. This will become stiff.

Add in the desiccated coconut and mix until it is combined. The children love using their hands at this point!

Split the mix into as many colours as you want!

If you are making a rainbow then try and split it into similar amounts. You can use a weighing scale at this point if you want to be accurate.

Add a small amount of food colouring to each section.  

Dust the worktop or chopping board with icing sugar; otherwise the mixture will stick.  

Shape the mixture into a rectangle and place the colours on top of each other. You can use your hands or a rolling pin at this point. Shape directly into a lined cooking tin if you prefer.  

The coconut ice should be no more than 3 to 4 cm thick.  

Leave uncovered for at least 1 hour for it to begin to set.

Cut the coconut ice into bars ready for the chocolate.

Leave for a few more hours or overnight to set. You may need to place it in the fridge for this to occur.

When the bars are ready, make or melt the chocolate. You can use the recipe in the link above if you wish to make your own.

Dip the bars into the chocolate. Remember the chocolate is hot! This part is for adult supervision!

I find it easier to use two spoons to dip the chocolate and retrieve them from the hot chocolate. Once you are happy they are coated place them onto the cooling rack.

Leave the chocolate covered coconut ice for a few hours for the chocolate to harden.

Additional Notes:

I have kept coconut ice for up to a month in an airtight container.  It usually doesn’t last that long in our home!

Equipment Used:


Measuring Scales

Storage containers


Chopping board

Rolling pin


Cooling rack. 

Emma Alexander-Cook

My name's Emma. I've been living gluten-free for over 25 years, and I've been dairy-free for over five years.

Health and Auto-immune Diseases

I have auto-immune diseases and expected to be on medicine for the rest of my life, but I didn't want to live like that. My rheumatology Doctor was so supportive of the change I wanted to make, and with their help, I now manage my auto-immune diseases by being strict with my diet.

It can be quite frightening when you first find out you have to change the way you eat but for some of us' Food is our medicine.'

I have several websites, write blogs, and I'm currently in the process of writing a book.

I trained to be Holistic Health Coach, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and Certified Gluten Free Practitioner in order to heal myself, my family and others who find themselves on the same journey as myself.

Websites include:


Our love for photography started on our travels. We wanted to capture images of the areas we travelled to both for our own records and for our family back at home. Some of these images were reproduced as watercolours. Our favourite images we display at home and friends often asked where we had purchased the pictures! Now you can purchase them online directly from us.

Coaching and Consultancy

Previously an IT Manager my skill set has come in very handy as I am both a Health Coach and also offer consultancy for small business starts up and fellow Health Coaches. This has included building websites and online profiles.

Our Family

Family is everything to me! We have a family of four boys where the age difference between the youngest and the eldest is 18 years. Two of our sons are also Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Emma is a Health Coach who specialises in helping individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals. Ian runs his own business which began developing a Race Timer for diecast model cars.

Gluten Free, Dairy Free White Chocolate


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