Do Your Best?
Do Your Best!
Doing your best at work shouldn’t mean compromising your own happiness!
We all want to do well at work. If you’re lucky (and I hope you are), you’re even passionate about your job and the work you do every day.
Doing your best doesn’t mean working yourself to the point of mental breakdown!
Burnout, breakdown, and stress disorders have become prominent in today’s workforce.
So when does ‘doing your best’ become doing too much?
Part of that is recognising when you’re beginning to work just to please other people.
If your work is not pleasing to you, you’ll find it much more draining!
Making yourself a priority will actually have more positive effects on your business in the long run. Your work will become more genuine, more efficient and more honest. Maybe even more creative!
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.