Simnel Cupcakes

Simnel Cupcakes

This recipe is a favourite with my children who love to make the Simnel Cupcakes. I remember making these as a child every year with my family and it’s so lovely to keep up the tradition with this gluten free, dairy free recipe. I love marzipan but if not everyone in your family does then just leave the marzipan out of half of the cupcakes.

Makes approximately 12 cupcakes


4 large eggs

2 tsp vanilla extract

200 g dairy free spread

200 g caster sugar

200 g gluten free self-raising flour

1 tsp mixed spice

200 g currants, raisins, mixed peel, almonds, cranberries or cherries

2 tsp xanthan gum

Around 200 g marzipan

1 tbsp. apricot jam

1 tbsp. rum or brandy (optional)


Preheat the oven to 180°C / 160° Fan / 350°F / Gas Mark 5.

Line the muffin tin with 12 cases.

Place the butter and sugar into a bowl and beat until light and creamy. Gradually beat the egg, vanilla and rum (optional) into the mixture.

Don’t worry if the mixture looks like it curdles slightly - just keep mixing. I use a KitchenAid stand mixer for this.

Sift the flour, xanthan gum and spice into the bowl and fold into the mixture.

Once it is combined add the raisins and fold again.

If you wish you can add marzipan to the centre of the cakes. Using a rolling pin roll out the marzipan onto a lightly floured surface. Cut out 12 disks for the centre and 12 disks for the top of the cake. With the remaining marzipan roll out 12 balls.

Using a spoon (or ice cream scoop), fill the muffin cases. This mixture is quite thick so you need to level the top with a spoon. If you want to add the marzipan disks to the centre then only fill the muffin cases halfway, add the marzipan and then top up with the cake mixture.

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until the cakes are well risen, golden and the sponge bounces back slightly when touched. I have to rotate my cakes halfway through cooking, so they cook evenly but that is just an oddity with my oven.

Remove from oven and leave for 5 minutes in the tray to cool and then carefully transfer them onto a cooling rack.

Gently heat a tablespoon of apricot jam in the microwave and brush sparingly onto the cupcakes when cool. Top with the marzipan disk and the marzipan ball.

Additional Notes:

Making multiple batches? Prepare the mixture in one go and keep the extra covered until you are ready to put into the cases and bake in the oven.

Did you know you can freeze cake?

Not everyone likes marzipan, or they may be allergic to nuts so make a few spare plain vanilla cupcakes with no marzipan in the centre or top. You could always put butter icing on these or leave them plain.

Why not use your favourite spice? Perhaps ginger, cinnamon or even pumpkin spice.

Prefer the taste of lemons? Substitute the spice for some grated lemon and the vanilla for some lemon juice.

Equipment Used:

KitchenAid Stand Mixer or hand whisk

Rolling pin

Muffin / cupcake tin

Circular cookie cutter

Ice cream scoop


Silicone brush

Cooling rack.

Emma Alexander-Cook

My name's Emma. I've been living gluten-free for over 25 years, and I've been dairy-free for over five years.

Health and Auto-immune Diseases

I have auto-immune diseases and expected to be on medicine for the rest of my life, but I didn't want to live like that. My rheumatology Doctor was so supportive of the change I wanted to make, and with their help, I now manage my auto-immune diseases by being strict with my diet.

It can be quite frightening when you first find out you have to change the way you eat but for some of us' Food is our medicine.'

I have several websites, write blogs, and I'm currently in the process of writing a book.

I trained to be Holistic Health Coach, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and Certified Gluten Free Practitioner in order to heal myself, my family and others who find themselves on the same journey as myself.

Websites include:


Our love for photography started on our travels. We wanted to capture images of the areas we travelled to both for our own records and for our family back at home. Some of these images were reproduced as watercolours. Our favourite images we display at home and friends often asked where we had purchased the pictures! Now you can purchase them online directly from us.

Coaching and Consultancy

Previously an IT Manager my skill set has come in very handy as I am both a Health Coach and also offer consultancy for small business starts up and fellow Health Coaches. This has included building websites and online profiles.

Our Family

Family is everything to me! We have a family of four boys where the age difference between the youngest and the eldest is 18 years. Two of our sons are also Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Emma is a Health Coach who specialises in helping individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals. Ian runs his own business which began developing a Race Timer for diecast model cars.

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